… or “why we’re called B12 Strategies”

Clients have played an integral role not just in the growth of B12 Strategies, but also in our origin story.

When Judith Mizrahi was setting up her new boutique consultancy,  she was finding it harder to pick the right name than to get project pitches accepted. A pretty enviable situation, really.

Never satisfied with the obvious idea  (after all, no one else was using ‘Mizrahi Strategies’), Judith wanted a name that could capture the spirit of working with this new company.  So, trusting in the creativity of people who knew exactly what that experience would be, she sent an email to some long-term clients with a plea for help ... 

Dear friend & partner,

If you have 1 minute free – and don’t take any longer !!! – please complete the task below, as you know me well.

Tell me, if Judith was:

  • A VITAMIN - what would she be and why…?

  • A COCKTAIL - what would she be and why…?

  • A DESTINATION - what would it be and why…?

Thanks for your time,


Everyone she asked gave the same answer to the first question - “VITAMIN B12”.

The link to energy fitted seamlessly with feedback Judith had received from clients over the years, still buzzing from her workshops, consumer interactions and team engagements.

Some people also mentioned that it was a fundamental vitamin - something really important to have. And when Judith researched it further, she loved the fact that:

  • the body doesn’t produce B12 naturally - you have to take it from the outside

  • once you have enough B12, you don’t need to take any more - you only need it when there’s a challenge to your system

So B12 Strategies was born! Thanks again to all the clients who answered.

(And if Judith ever needs a name for another company, Espresso Martini is ready on file.)